
Colloquium Molekulare Medizin:

Referent: Prof. Dr. Helen Liapis; Pathologist at Arkana Laboratories; Retired Professor of Pathology and Immunology Washington; University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; Past Professor of Internal Medicine (Nephrology); Section Head Renal Pathology; C

Colloquium Molekulare Medizin: "…"

Referent: Prof. Dr. Helen Liapis; Pathologist at Arkana Laboratories; Retired Professor of Pathology and Immunology Washington; University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; Past Professor of Internal Medicine (Nephrology); Section Head Renal Pathology; Co-director of Clinical Electron Microscopy Laboratory; Co-director WU Kidney Translational Research Core, O’Brian; Kidney Center

Mittwoch, 30. August 2017, 17:15 bis ca. 18:00 Uhr

Ort: Hörsaal 2, Erdgeschoss, Flur 24, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen

Zielgruppe: alle Interessierten

Gastgeber: Gastgeber: SFB/TRR 57, PD Dr. med. Peter Boor, PhD, Institut für Pathologie und Medizinische Klinik II